2008–13 Master of Fine Arts (Research), with  an Australian Postgraduate Award, College of Fine Arts, UNSW

2001–05 Bachelor of Fine Arts – Sculpture, Performance and Installation (Honours Class I) – College of Fine Arts, UNSW


2018 Don’t think of me as gone, Verge Gallery, Sydney

2017 Dead before it began, Wellington Street Projects, Sydney

2016 Declaration of Love, Firstdraft, Sydney

Lifting My Weight, FELTspace, Adelaide

2014 Paradise, Artereal Gallery, Sydney

Every day is a job well done, MOP Projects, Sydney

2012 I'm Worth My Weight in Gold, Firstdraft Gallery, Sydney

2011 SIXTY KILOGRAMS, MOP Projects, Sydney

I'm Worth My Weight in Gold, Parramatta Artists Studios, Sydney


2017 Endurance, Art Month Sydney, National Art School, Sydney

Positive/ Negative. Positive/ Negative, The Skin Thing Bundoora Trust House, VIC

2015 THANK YOU, MCA 1000 Visitor Celebration, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney

 Love Letter, Soapbox, Performance Space, Sydney

This Love Is Huge, Campbelltown Arts Centre, Sydney

2014 Enduring Parallels, The lock Up, Newcastle

2013 Work Out, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney

The Social, Campbelltown Arts Centre, Sydney

2012 Day Job, SafARI, Various venues, Sydney

Gibberish and Let Go, Tiny Stadiums Festival/PACT, Sydney

I Love You. I Do, Nextwave Festival, Melbourne

2011 I Love You. I Do, 2020, Damien Minton Annex Space, Sydney


2019 Immaterially Yours, Art Month Sydney, Firstdraft, Sydney

2018 NSW Visual Arts Emerging Fellowship, Artspace, Sydney


Authentic Determination Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery; Cruthers Collection of Women’s Art, W.A

2017 Could all this be it? Cold Cuts Project Space, Sydney

Love and Feminism, Fontanelle, Adelaide

The Skin Thing Bundoora Trust House, VIC

2016 The Artist as Protagonist, Kunst Film Fest #2, Centrum, Berlin

Major Tender, Contemporary Arts Centre South Australia, Adelaide

2015 Friends With Benefits, This Is Not Art, Newcastle

All Stations To, Kudos Gallery, Sydney

2014 Glazed and Confused, Hazlehurst Regional Gallery and Arts Centre, Gymea

Enduring Parallels, The lock Up, Newcastle, N.S.W

Totally Looks Like, Stills Gallery, Sydney

Common Woman II, Metro Arts, Brisbane,

2013 Work Out, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, Sydney

Onside, Casula Powerhouse, Sydney

The Social, Campbelltown Arts Centre, Sydney

2012 Fan Fiction, Penrith Regional Gallery, Sydney

Day Job, SafARI, Sydney

2011 The Churchie National Emerging Art Prize, Griffith University Art Gallery, Brisbane

YES I CAN/NO CAN DO, Blacktown Arts Centre, Sydney


2015 Art Bar ‘Love and Fear’ Museum Of Contemporary Art Australia, Sydney


2018  McKay Residency Collector, Goulburn Regional Art Gallery/Firstdraft Gallery, NSW

2016 Firstdraft, Sydney

2014 The lock Up, Newcastle, NSW

Hazelhusrt Regional Gallery/ Gymea TAFE ceramics studio, NSW

2008-2011/ 2012-14   Parramatta Artists Studios, NSW


2018 Finalist in the NSW Visual Arts Emerging Fellowship, Artspace, Sydney

2016 NAVA NSW Artist Grant

2015 NAVA Australian Artists Grant

2015 Australia Council For The Arts, New Work Grant, Emerging

NAVA Australian Artists Grant

2011 Finalist in The Churchie National Emerging Art Prize, Griffith University Art Gallery, Brisbane

2008–11 Australian Postgraduate Award, Masters Postgraduate study, College of Fine Arts, UNSW


Capra, David ‘Western Sydney: A portrait of a place’ Das Platforms #28 August, 2013

Carsley, Gary, ‘Annoyance/Disco’, YES I CAN/NO CAN DO, Blacktown Arts Centre, 2011

Fitzgerald, Michael, ‘A Cheat’s Guide to Performance Art’, The Sydney Morning Herald, Spectrum, 6 April 2013

Fitzgerald, Michael, ‘Open Gallery’, The Sydney Morning Herald, Spectrum, 20 October 2012

Fizell, Megan ‘Gastroporn, or the sexualized eater’ Runway Experimental Art #29 Porn, 2016

Gronbech Wright, Sophia ‘Review Dead Before It Began’ The Weekend Australian, August 5-6, 2017

Miller, Carrie ‘Undiscovered’ Australian Art Collector, Issue 64, April – June, 2013

Mudie Cunningham, Daniel, ‘Critics’ Choice’, Australian Art Collector, Issue 57, July– September, 2011

Noone, Brigid; Millner, Jacqueline ‘Major Tender’ Contemporary Art Centre South Australia. 2016